
GEOFIN – Video 2: Financial chains and central banks

    Geofin is delighted to share the second of two videos explaining how finance flows in the Economy. Video 2 explains the crucial role central banks within the complex network of financial chains.

IGC 2024: C.09: Dynamics of Economic Spaces:  Financial innovations for transformative climate and economic justice, Tuesday 27th August 2024

35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin, Ireland (24th – 30th August 2024) C.09: Dynamics of Economic Spaces: Financial innovations for transformative climate and economic justice Session organisers: Martin Sokol (Associate Professor of Geography, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) – Jennie Stephens*, Professor of Climate Justice, Maynooth University –  (*Session Chair) Session description: Financial systems […]

Rethinking Growth: Towards a Wellbeing Economy for Ireland, 25th- 26th June 2024.

Event: Rethinking Growth: Towards a Wellbeing Economy for Ireland When:  Tuesday  25th June 2024 – Wednesday 26th June at 5pm Where: Venue: Dargan Auditorium, Trinity Business School Website: Tickets: Registration page here Programme Video Recordings If you can’t make it in person please email  reference “Online participation” in subject line for online participation. […]

“Climate Obstruction in Finance, Banking, & the Field of Economics”. Presented by Martin Sokol and Jennie C. Stephens at the CPN-CSS Network Conference 2024

Martin Sokol recently presented a joint paper with Jennie C. Stephens at the CPN-CSS Network Conference 2024 (Critical Policy Studies Network / Climate Social Science Network). Online, March 14th -15th You can now view the slides from the presentation: PDF (slides)

ESG Insights publish “Central banks should be fighting the climate crisis – here’s why” into Portuguese.

Delighted to see Martin Sokol and Jennie Stephens article on why  central banks should be fighting climate crisis (from The Conversation UK) has been translated into Portuguese and published by ESG Insights in Brazil. View the article here  

New blog by Jennie C. Stephens and Martin Sokol: Why the Fed should treat climate change’s $150B economic toll like other national crises it’s helped fight

View the blog post here  

New blog by Martin Sokol and Jennie C. Stephens: Central banks, the climate crisis and the need for a ‘creative disruption’

View the blog post here  

Jennie Stephens & Martin Sokol joint publication is just out: Financial innovation for climate justice: central banks and transformative ‘creative disruption’.

    Read Jennie C. Stephens & Martin Sokol latest publication entitled Financial innovation for climate justice: central banks and transformative ‘creative disruption’, Climate and Development. (Open access)

Call for Papers – IGC 2024:

35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin, Ireland (24th – 30th August 2024) C.09: Dynamics of Economic Spaces In-person paper session: Financial innovations for transformative climate and economic justice Session organisers: Martin Sokol (Associate Professor of Geography, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) – Jennie Stephens* (Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy, Northeastern University, Boston, USA; Radcliffe-Salata […]

Dr. Ia Eradze- Visiting scholar to Geography Department Trinity College Dublin.

  Geofin Research team was delighted to have hosted visiting scholar Dr. Ia Eradze  in June 2023 and most grateful for her presentation on “Crypto Currency Mining in Georgia: sovereignty revisited”  on 28th June 2023.          

New article by Alicja Bobek  Marek Mikuš and Martin Sokol “Making sense of the financialization of households: state of the art and beyond”

Congratulations to Alicja Bobek  Marek Mikuš and Martin Sokol on their latest GEOFIN research collaboration just published “Making sense of the financialization of households: state of the art and beyond” , Socio-Economic Review, 2023. This article is available online from Socio: Socio-Economic Review and PDF  

New article by Leonardo Pataccini: “The (un)usual suspects? Exploring the links between illicit financial flows, Russian money laundering and dependent financialization in the Baltic states”

Congratulations to Leonardo Pataccini GEOFIN research fellow, on the publication is his latest work “The (un)usual suspects? Exploring the links between illicit financial flows, Russian money laundering and dependent financialization in the Baltic states. ” This article is available online from: Competition & Change

GEOFIN Project lookback

  GEOFIN Journal Articles Sokol, M (2022) Financialisation, central banks and ‘new’ state capitalism: The case of the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. Environment and Planning Economy and Space.  DOI: 10.1177/0308518X221133114 Pataccini, L. (2022) From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in […]

Green monetary and financial policies: missing geographies? Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini paper at the (AAG)

Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini presented at the American Association of Geographers session:  Geographies of Monetary Policy I: Crisis, Inequality and Financial Power. Denver, USA, and online (23 March – 27 March 2023). For view the presentation please click on this link: PDF  

Monetary Policy, Climate Crisis & Inequality: A Climate Justice Approach- Martin Sokol and Jennie C. Stephens paper at the (AAG)

Martin Sokol and Jennie C. Stephens presented at the American Association of Geographers session:  Geographies of Monetary Policy I: Crisis, Inequality and Financial Power. Denver, USA, and online (23 March – 27 March 2023). For view the presentation please click on this link: PDF  

“Financialisation, central banks, and ‘new’ state capitalism: The case of the US federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England” Martin Sokol latest article just published.

  Read Martin Sokol latest article –  just published in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. DOI  

RSA 2022 conference image

2022 RSA CEE conference in Leipzig, Germany (14-17 Sept)

Conference website: Special Session SS05 at the 2022 RSA CEE conference in Leipzig, Germany (14-17 Sept 2022).  Session organisers: Marek Mikuš, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany Leonardo Pataccini, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland / University of Latvia Martin Sokol, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Arguments centred on infrastructure have become increasingly influential across social sciences. […]

New article by Leonardo Pataccini: “From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in Latvia”

Congratulations to Leonardo Pataccini GEOFIN research fellow, on the publication is his latest work in the Journal of the Balkan Studies. “From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in Latvia”. This article is available online from: Journal of Baltic Studies

Presentations by Geofin team at the Global Conference on Economic Geography in Dublin 7-10 June 2022.

If you missed the recent presentations by Geofin’s  Martin Sokol, Rodrigo Fernandez, Leonardo Pataccini, Sara Benceković and Zsuzsanna Pósfai at the Global Conference on Economic Geography in Dublin 7-10 June 2022  you can now view the slides from their presentations here Slides    

GCEG 2022 Dublin: Special Session 04_09 Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents

GCEG 2022 Dublin  –Special Session 04_09 Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents Session organisers: Leonardo Pataccini, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland / University of Latvia Martin Sokol, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Jennie Stephens – Northeastern University – Session description: Financialisation, a shorthand for the increasing power of finance over society and the economy, continues to reshape […]

Roundtables on central banks and monetary policy 2022 (online events)

Organisers:  Rodrigo Fernandez, Center for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) Sara Murawski, The Transnational Institute (TNI) Leonardo Pataccini, Trinity College Dublin / University of Latvia Martin Sokol, Trinity College Dublin For more information on these events: contact Martin Sokol. These roundtable sessions focus on the most pressing issues related to central banking and monetary policy […]

photo of caroline bourke

Caroline Bourke joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN team in TCD Geography welcomes Caroline Bourke, who joins us as a Research Project Officer. Caroline joins Trinity College, having previously worked in a number of banking  roles in the financial services sector.      

photo of Dimitrios Paraskevas

Farewell to Dimitri

Farewell to Dimitri Paraskevas, our Research Project Officer, who is moving to a new role in May. We wish you well in your new job and thank you for everything you have done for GEOFIN research!    

Farewell to Zsuzsi

We would like to wish Zsuzszanna Pósfai, our former Research Fellow, the very best of luck in her new professional pursuits. Thank you for everything you have done for GEOFIN research and looking forward to working with you again in the future!    

RSA 2022 conference image

2022 Regional Studies Association Central and Eastern Europe conference – Call for Paper Abstracts

We’re inviting paper abstracts for the special session “Infrastructures of finance and finance as infrastructure in Eastern Europe” at the 2022 Regional Studies Association Central and Eastern Europe conference, which will take place in Leipzig on 14-16 September. The panel is organised by Martin Sokol, Leonardo Pataccini and Marek Mikuš and it is sponsored by the […]

Financial chains in financialized economies – Martin Sokol’s poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG)

Prof. Martin Sokol is participating in this year’s virtual (due to Covid-19) meeting of the American Association of Geographers (25 February – 1 March 2022) with a poster presentation entitled ‘Financial chains in financialized economies: the role of central banks’. For more details and to download a copy of the poster presentation please click on […]

journal article

New article by Giulia Dal Maso: “Past and present financialization in Central Eastern Europe: the case of Western subsidiary banks”

Congratulations to former Geofin researcher Giulia Dal Maso for publishing her latest work in the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. By examining the ‘post’ financial crisis scenario in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) Dr Dal Maso’s paper assesses the role of Western banks in the region and how their penetration and ‘resilience’ is influenced […]

photo of posfai's first presentation slide

“Financial futures of housing” – Watch Zsuzsanna Pósfai’s presentation at the TCD Geography seminar series

If you missed the recent presentation by Geofin’s Zsuzsanna Pósfai at the TCD Geography seminar series, you can now watch a recording of the session on YouTube.  

GCEG Dublin, call for papers

GCEG Dublin – Call for Papers

Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents Organised by: Leonardo Pataccini, Martin Sokol and Jennie Stephens This session invites papers that will address financialisation and its disruptions, displacements and discontents, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives and from a variety of scales from the local and regional to the trans-territorial and global. We welcome papers that will […]

conference round table discussion

GEOFIN Researcher Zsuzsanna Pósfai participates in Trade Union Cooperation Forum conference

GEOFIN Researcher Zsuzsanna Pósfai participated in Trade Union Cooperation Forum’s recent conference on in-work poverty. The two-day conference was held on 2-3 December 2021 in Budapest. The Trade Union Cooperation Forum (SZEF) is one of the new federal systems of the Hungarian trade union movement, which was transformed during the political and economic change (1989–90). […]

promotional poster for seminar series

Zsuzsanna Pósfai to present at TCD Geography seminars

TCD Geography seminars continue next Wednesday December 8th at 1pm with GEOFIN research’s Zsuzsanna Pósfai giving what’s going to be a cracking talk on finance and its potentials (and limitations) in enabling new possible forms of housing. To register:

journal article

New article by Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini: “Financialisation, regional economic development and the coronavirus crisis: a time for spatial monetary policy?”

Congratulations to Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini for publishing their joint paper in the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society – special issue. In this article the GEOFIN researchers are arguing for a ‘spatial monetary policy’. This is an OPEN ACCESS article and can be read online here:…/10…/cjres/rsab033/6427774…    

journal entry

New article by Leonardo Pataccini: “Europeanisation as a driver of dependent financialisation in East-Central Europe: insights from the Baltic states”

Congratulations to Leonardo Pataccini for his recent article publication in the New Political Economy journal on “Europeanisation as a driver of dependent financialisation in East-Central Europe: insights from the Baltic states”. See here:    

photo of Dimitrios Paraskevas

Dimitrios Paraskevas joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN team in TCD Geography welcomes Dimitrios Paraskevas, who joins us as a Research Project Officer. Dimitri returns to Trinity College, having previously worked in a number of administrative roles in the University over a period of fifteen years.    

florence o'regan celebrating her new post

Farewell to Florence

Congratulations to Florence O’Regan, our former Research Project Officer, for securing a position at Trinity Research & Innovation. We wish you well in your new job and thank you for everything you have done for GEOFIN research!    

GEOFIN researchers on YouTube: Leonardo Pataccini

Our Research Fellow Leonardo Pataccini tells us about his research on banking in the Baltics:  

GEOFIN researchers on YouTube: Zsuzsanna Pósfai

Our Research Fellow Zsuzsanna Pósfai introduces her research on the financialisation of housing, housing inequalities, affordable housing, and financial futures:  

GEOFIN researchers on YouTube: Sara Benceković

Our PhD researcher Sara Benceković explains her work on banking in Croatia for the GEOFIN research project:

New GEOFIN YouTube channel

The GEOFIN YouTube channel has launched! Meet our researchers and find out more about their work on financialisation, financial policies, banking, housing, etc.  

New article by Rodrigo Fernandez: “Whither corporate financialization? A literature review”

Congratulations to Rodrigo Fernandez and his co-authors Tobias Klinge and Manuel Aalbers on their recent paper: Klinge, T. J., Fernandez, R., & Aalbers, M. B. (2021). Whither corporate financialization? A literature review. Geography Compass, e12588. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12588    

New blog post by Zsuzsanna Pósfai – ENHR conference paper: Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?

View the blog post here.  

“Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?”. Presentation by Zsuzsanna Pósfai at the ENHR conference

Zsuzsanna Pósfai recently gave a presentation at the annual (online) conference of the European Network of Housing Researchers (ENHR, 30 August-2 September 2021): “Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance – new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?” You can now view the slides from the presentation, as well as read the paper: Slides (PDF)    […]

“Subordinate financialization in the European (semi-)periphery: The European Central Bank and the uneven monetary integration of East-Central Europe”. Fernandez, Sokol and Pataccini’s SASE 2021 presentation now available as PDF

Rodrigo Fernandez recently presented a joint paper with Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini at the 33rd Annual SASE Meeting (online, 2-5 July 2021. A PDF of the presentation is now available: Subordinate financialization in the European (semi-)periphery: The European Central Bank and the uneven monetary integration of East-Central Europe – PDF

‘Financialisation, post-pandemic central banking and regional and urban recovery: A turning point for monetary policy?’: Watch Martin Sokol, Rodrigo Fernandez and Leonardo Pataccini’s RSA conference presentation

If you missed the recent presentation by Martin Sokol, Rodrigo Fernandez, and Leonardo Pataccini at the Regional Studies Association 2021 Global E-Festival, you can now watch a recording of the session: Special Session 34 I FinGeo – Financial Policies The RSA has made this recording available on Youtube until the end of August 2021. Short on […]

New blog post by Zsuzsanna Pósfai – Conference news: Thirty years of capitalist transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: inequalities and social resistance

View the blog post here.  

New edited book by Marek Mikuš and Petra Rodik

Congratulations to Marek Mikuš and Petra Rodik, former GEOFIN Research Fellows, on the publication of their new edited book (with a chapter co-authored by Zsuzsanna Pósfai, current GEOFIN Research Fellow): Households and Financialisation in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-peripheries (London: Routledge, 2021). DOI:

“The (post-)pandemic city: a vicious circle scenario”. Martin Sokol’s CIG 2021 presentation now available as PDF

If you missed Martin Sokol‘s recent presentation at the 52nd Annual Conference of Irish Geographers (Trinity College Dublin / online, 2021), a PDF of the presentation is now available | PDF

Presentation by Zsuzsanna Pósfai: “Dependent housing financialization in Hungary through the case of household debt”

The GEOFIN team attended the conference Thirty years of capitalist transformations in CEE: Inequalities and social resistance in Cluj, Romania/online on 20-22 May. Our new Research Fellow Zsuzsanna Pósfai gave a presentation with Márton Czirfusz, titled “Dependent housing financialization in Hungary through the case of household debt”. Their presentation is available as a PDF.

Dr Zsuzsanna Pósfai joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN research team in TCD Geography welcomes Dr Zsuzsanna Pósfai who joins us as a Research Fellow to work on possible financial futures. Zsuzsanna is one if the founding members of the Periféria Policy and Research Center, an independent Budapest-based organisation working on spatial and housing justice. She has experience in the field of housing […]

New blog post by Alicja Bobek – Financialisation of households in the ECE region: what can we learn from the secondary statistical data?

View the blog post here  

Webinar: European Cities beyond COVID-19

Martin Sokol recently participated in the ‘European Cities beyond COVID-19’ webinar, part of the Inspiring Ideas @Trinity series. This webinar explores how European cities will adapt to a new working model, the challenges and opportunities for urban development and renewal the last year has brought, and what it means to be a future-focused city. It […]

Dr Rodrigo Fernandez joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN research team in TCD Geography welcomes Dr Rodrigo Fernandez who joins us as a part-time research fellow to work on the linkages between monetary policy and subordinate financialisation. Rodrigo is also a senior researcher at the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO). Previously he was a postdoc (2011–2013) at the University of Amsterdam […]

GEOFIN research cited in Tribune

The Covid-19 pandemic is a crisis of global inequality. GEOFIN researchers Leonardo Pataccini and Martin Sokol share their views and underline the issues at stake, in a piece written for the Tribune magazine by Laura Fernandez Lopez:

Happy New Year from the GEOFIN research team

Let’s hope that 2021 is a better year for everyone!

New article by Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini in Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie: “Winners And Losers In Coronavirus Times: Financialisation, Financial Chains and Emerging Economic Geographies of the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Read the article here  

GEOFIN Working Papers No. 9, 10 & 11 now available (by Marek Mikuš, Alicja Bobek and Leonardo Pataccini)

View full PDFs of the working papers here  

New blog post by Sara Benceković: Western banks-led financialisation in Croatia: A paper delivered at the workshop for Ireland-based postgraduate students researching Central and Eastern Europe

View the blog post here  

“Neoliberal Debt Policy and the Loss of Autonomy”: an interview with Marek Mikuš

Marek Mikuš, former GEOFIN Research Fellow and now based at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, discusses his new research project, which looks at how increasing indebtedness affects households in Eastern Europe – a topic that can only grow in importance following the Covid-19 pandemic. Read his interview here.    

New blog post by Martin Sokol: From a pandemic to a global financial meltdown? Preliminary thoughts on the economic consequences of Covid-19

View the blog post here  

New book by Petra Rodik

Congratulations to Dr Petra Rodik, former GEOFIN Research Fellow, on the publication of her new book: (Pre)zaduženi: Društveni aspekti zaduženosti kućanstava u Hrvatskoj / (Over)indebted: Social Aspects of Household Indebtedness in Croatia (Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2019).

Dr Leonardo Pataccini joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN research team in TCD Geography welcomes Leonardo Pataccini, who joins us as a Research Fellow to work on the financialisation of banks in the Baltic countries. Dr Pataccini obtained his PhD in social sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He possesses an interdisciplinary background, combining sociology, international economics, finance and history, […]

New post by Sara Benceković on “PhD parenting” (on TCD Geography’s blog:

On PhD, parenting, and having it all: A view from a “PhD mum”  

New blog post by Sara Benceković: Financialisation and sub-national banking geographies in Croatia – introducing my PhD research

View the blog post here  

Join the GEOFIN mailing list!

Click here to join the GEOFIN mailing list and keep up to date with our latest news, events and publications.  

Marek Mikuš, 17 September 2019, Trinity College Dublin

Congratulations to Dr Marek Mikuš

Congratulations to Dr Marek Mikuš on securing a prestigious Emmy Noether grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) on “Peripheral Debt: Money, Risk and Politics in Eastern Europe”. His new project will be based at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle, Germany). We are delighted that Marek will remain connected to GEOFINresearch as […]

Seminar with Alicja Bobek and Marek Mikuš

Thanks to Alicja and Marek for a very enjoyable seminar!

Click here for details of their presentations.

New blog post by Marek Mikuš: Financialization of the State: Preliminary Analysis for Croatia – Presentation at the Croatian National Bank

View the blog post here  

New blog post by Petra Rodik: Chaining Households to Financial Markets: Micro-level Interest-Bearing Strategies of Western Banks in Croatia

View the blog post here

Florence O’Regan joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN team in TCD Geography welcomes Florence O’Regan, who joins us as a Research Project Officer. She has previously worked and studied at the universities of Cambridge, Leeds, York, and Durham, and is delighted to be joining Trinity College Dublin.