New blog post by Petra Rodik: Chaining Households to Financial Markets: Micro-level Interest-Bearing Strategies of Western Banks in Croatia

View the blog post here

Marek Mikuš, 17 September 2019, Trinity College Dublin

Congratulations to Dr Marek Mikuš

Congratulations to Dr Marek Mikuš on securing a prestigious Emmy Noether grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) on “Peripheral Debt: Money, Risk and Politics in Eastern Europe”. His new project will be based at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle, Germany).

We are delighted that Marek will remain connected to GEOFINresearch as a member of our Academic Advisory Panel.

Florence O’Regan joins the GEOFIN team

The GEOFIN team in TCD Geography welcomes Florence O’Regan, who joins us as a Research Project Officer. She has previously worked and studied at the universities of Cambridge, Leeds, York, and Durham, and is delighted to be joining Trinity College Dublin.