“Subordinate financialization in the European (semi-)periphery: The European Central Bank and the uneven monetary integration of East-Central Europe”. Fernandez, Sokol and Pataccini’s SASE 2021 presentation now available as PDF

Rodrigo Fernandez recently presented a joint paper with Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini at the 33rd Annual SASE Meeting (online, 2-5 July 2021.

A PDF of the presentation is now available: Subordinate financialization in the European (semi-)periphery: The European Central Bank and the uneven monetary integration of East-Central Europe – PDF

Presentation by Zsuzsanna Pósfai: “Dependent housing financialization in Hungary through the case of household debt”

The GEOFIN team attended the conference Thirty years of capitalist transformations in CEE: Inequalities and social resistance in Cluj, Romania/online on 20-22 May.

Our new Research Fellow Zsuzsanna Pósfai gave a presentation with Márton Czirfusz, titled “Dependent housing financialization in Hungary through the case of household debt”.

Their presentation is available as a PDF.

New article by Martin Sokol and Leonardo Pataccini in Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie: “Winners And Losers In Coronavirus Times: Financialisation, Financial Chains and Emerging Economic Geographies of the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Read the article here


Happy New Year from the GEOFIN research team

Let’s hope that 2021 is a better year for everyone!

GEOFIN research cited in Tribune

The Covid-19 pandemic is a crisis of global inequality. GEOFIN researchers Leonardo Pataccini and Martin Sokol share their views and underline the issues at stake, in a piece written for the Tribune magazine by Laura Fernandez Lopez:


Webinar: European Cities beyond COVID-19

Martin Sokol recently participated in the ‘European Cities beyond COVID-19’ webinar, part of the Inspiring Ideas @Trinity series.

This webinar explores how European cities will adapt to a new working model, the challenges and opportunities for urban development and renewal the last year has brought, and what it means to be a future-focused city. It is moderated by Alan Duffy, CEO & Head of Banking, HSBC Ireland and former President of the Trinity Business Alumni and provides a twin academic and professional perspective on this area of increasing focus. It features Dr  Martin Sokol and Prof Greg Clark, Global Head of Future Cities & New Industries for HSBC.

Watch the webinar here.


New blog post by Martin Sokol: From a pandemic to a global financial meltdown? Preliminary thoughts on the economic consequences of Covid-19

View the blog post here


New blog post by Sara Benceković: Financialisation and sub-national banking geographies in Croatia – introducing my PhD research

View the blog post here