New GEOFIN YouTube channel

The GEOFIN YouTube channel has launched! Meet our researchers and find out more about their work on financialisation, financial policies, banking, housing, etc.


New article by Rodrigo Fernandez: “Whither corporate financialization? A literature review”

Congratulations to Rodrigo Fernandez and his co-authors Tobias Klinge and Manuel Aalbers on their recent paper:

Klinge, T. J.Fernandez, R., & Aalbers, M. B. (2021). Whither corporate financialization? A literature review. Geography Compass, e12588. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12588



New blog post by Zsuzsanna Pósfai – ENHR conference paper: Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?

View the blog post here.


New blog post by Zsuzsanna Pósfai – Conference news: Thirty years of capitalist transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: inequalities and social resistance

View the blog post here.


New blog post by Alicja Bobek – Financialisation of households in the ECE region: what can we learn from the secondary statistical data?

View the blog post here


‘Financialisation, post-pandemic central banking and regional and urban recovery: A turning point for monetary policy?’: Watch Martin Sokol, Rodrigo Fernandez and Leonardo Pataccini’s RSA conference presentation

If you missed the recent presentation by Martin Sokol, Rodrigo Fernandez, and Leonardo Pataccini at the Regional Studies Association 2021 Global E-Festival, you can now watch a recording of the session: Special Session 34 I FinGeo – Financial Policies

The RSA has made this recording available on Youtube until the end of August 2021.

Short on time? Browse the presentation slides: Financialisation, post-pandemic central banking and regional and urban recovery: A turning point for monetary policy? – PDF

photo of posfai's first presentation slide

“Financial futures of housing” – Watch Zsuzsanna Pósfai’s presentation at the TCD Geography seminar series

If you missed the recent presentation by Geofin’s Zsuzsanna Pósfai at the TCD Geography seminar series, you can now watch a recording of the session on YouTube.


“The (post-)pandemic city: a vicious circle scenario”. Martin Sokol’s CIG 2021 presentation now available as PDF

If you missed Martin Sokol‘s recent presentation at the 52nd Annual Conference of Irish Geographers (Trinity College Dublin / online, 2021), a PDF of the presentation is now available | PDF

“Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?”. Presentation by Zsuzsanna Pósfai at the ENHR conference

Zsuzsanna Pósfai recently gave a presentation at the annual (online) conference of the European Network of Housing Researchers (ENHR, 30 August-2 September 2021): “Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance – new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?”

You can now view the slides from the presentation, as well as read the paper:

Slides (PDF)    |   Paper (PDF)