Entries by Marek Mikuš

GEOFIN Blog #6 – Financialization of the State: Preliminary Analysis for Croatia – Presentation at the Croatian National Bank (by Marek Mikuš)

“Financialization of the State: Preliminary Analysis for Croatia” was the title of a presentation I delivered for the Croatian National Bank in Zagreb on 6th June 2019 as part of GEOFIN’s stakeholder engagement and outreach. My talk, delivered in Croatian, was the 30th iteration of the Bank’s occasional Economics Workshop (Ekonomska radionica) series, which hosts […]

GEOFIN Blog #4 – Public debt, capital flows and financialization of the state in East-Central Europe (by Marek Mikuš)

The expansion of public debt and changes in its regulation were key processes through which states have been financialized in past few decades. Through increased costs of debt repayment (and in some cases risk of default), financial markets discipline states and potentially subject public policies to their interests, norms and ideas. States, for their part, […]

GEOFIN Blog #2 – Contestations of the financialization of housing in Croatia and Hungary (by Marek Mikuš)

On 20–21 March 2019, I attended and delivered a paper in the wonderful workshop on “Moral Dimensions of Economic Life in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia”, organized by Dimitra Kofti, Nicolette Makovicky and Jörg Wiegratz at St Antony’s College in Oxford. The paper explores the moral dimensions of housing debt and its politicization by new […]