Entries by GEOFIN

GEOFIN Project lookback

  GEOFIN Journal Articles Sokol, M (2022) Financialisation, central banks and ‘new’ state capitalism: The case of the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. Environment and Planning Economy and Space.  DOI: 10.1177/0308518X221133114 Pataccini, L. (2022) From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in […]

New article by Alicja Bobek  Marek Mikuš and Martin Sokol “Making sense of the financialization of households: state of the art and beyond”

Congratulations to Alicja Bobek  Marek Mikuš and Martin Sokol on their latest GEOFIN research collaboration just published “Making sense of the financialization of households: state of the art and beyond” , Socio-Economic Review, 2023. This article is available online from Socio: Socio-Economic Review and PDF  

New article by Leonardo Pataccini: “The (un)usual suspects? Exploring the links between illicit financial flows, Russian money laundering and dependent financialization in the Baltic states”

Congratulations to Leonardo Pataccini GEOFIN research fellow, on the publication is his latest work “The (un)usual suspects? Exploring the links between illicit financial flows, Russian money laundering and dependent financialization in the Baltic states. ” This article is available online from: Competition & Change

New article by Leonardo Pataccini: “From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in Latvia”

Congratulations to Leonardo Pataccini GEOFIN research fellow, on the publication is his latest work in the Journal of the Balkan Studies. “From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in Latvia”. This article is available online from: Journal of Baltic Studies

GCEG 2022 Dublin: Special Session 04_09 Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents

GCEG 2022 Dublin  –Special Session 04_09 Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents Session organisers: Leonardo Pataccini, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland / University of Latvia Martin Sokol, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Jennie Stephens – Northeastern University – j.stephens@northeastern.edu Session description: Financialisation, a shorthand for the increasing power of finance over society and the economy, continues to reshape […]