Entries by Alicja Bobek

GEOFIN Blog #12 – Financialisation of households in the ECE region: what can we learn from the secondary statistical data? (by Alicja Bobek)

The financialisation of households in East and Central Europe (ECE) is a relatively new phenomenon which is often described as part of a process of ‘catching up’ with countries in Western Europe. The delayed nature of household financialisation in the ECE region is evident in the secondary statistical data. As I have written in a […]

GEOFIN Blog #7 – ‘Subordinated Financialisation’? The Role of Credit and Debt in Everyday Lives of Households in East-Central Europe (by Alicja Bobek)

“The issue of household financialisation, and financialisation of everyday life, has gained increased interest over the past few decades. It has been argued that financialisation of households is part of a broader socio-economic transition, which involves an overall growing importance of financial institutions and logics. At the core of this shift is the withdrawal of […]