Dr. Zsuzsanna Pósfai (former Research Fellow)
Email: psfaiz@tcd.ie
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/zsuzsanna-pósfai
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zsuzsanna-Posfai
Academia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/ZsuzsiP%C3%B3sfai
Zsuzsanna holds an MA in Urban and Regional Policy from Sciences Po Paris, and received her doctoral degree in the framework of a Marie Curie ITN project entitled “RegPol2 – Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe”. Her PhD research was on uneven development (re)produced by housing financialization in Hungary. In 2018, she was one of the founding members of Periféria Policy and Research Center, a critically engaged independent think tank based in Budapest, Hungary. The work of Periféria Center focuses on the linkages between academic research, policy work, market mechanisms and direct social engagement in the fields of housing, urban development and regional inequalities.
Zsuzsanna has been engaged in the field of housing and housing policy for over ten years. She has experience in the field of housing activism, of housing policy on the scale of local administrations (both in France and Hungary), as well as in academia. In recent years her research has focused on the mechanisms of investment in the housing market and the over-indebtedness of households. Based on her research she is also working on practical ways to channel investment into affordable housing. As part of this endeavor, she is active in a group developing a model for rental-based housing cooperatives in Hungary and in the Central-Eastern and South-Eastern European region more broadly.
GEOFIN research
Within the GEOFIN project, Zsuzsanna’s work focuses on possible financial futures.
GEOFIN-related publications, presentations and working papers
Pósfai, Z (2022) Dependent housing financialization in Hungary – post -2008 shifts. Global Conference on Economic Geography in Dublin 7-10 June 2022 Special session: Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents | PDF
Pósfai, Z. (2021) Housing finance beyond individual mortgages – how to finance new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe? European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) – Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts. Online, 30 August-2 September 2021. | PDF (slides) | PDF (paper)
Pósfai, Z. and Czirfusz, M. (2021) Dependent housing financialization in Hungary through the case of household debt. Thirty years of capitalist transformations in CEE: Inequalities and social resistance. Cluj, Romania, and online, 20-22 May 2021. | PDF
View Zsuzsanna’s blogs
Other publications
Pósfai, Z. & Sokol, M. (2024) Housing financialisation as a tool of managing dependent integration – the case of Hungry between 2008 and 2022. European Journal of Spatial Development, 21(5): 86-106. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13628095 [OPEN ACCESS] | PDF
Gagyi Á, Jelinek Cs, Pósfai Zs, Vigvári A (2021): Semi-peripheral Financialization and Informal Household Solutions: Embedded Scales of Uneven Development in Hungarian Fringes. Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries; eds: Mikus M, Rodik P, Routledge.
Florea I, Popovici V, Pósfai Zs, Vilenica A (2021): Urban struggles and theorising from Eastern European cities. Global Urbanism – Knowledge, Power and the City; eds: Lancione M, McFarlane C, Routledge.
Dés F, Pósfai Zs (2021): Nők és lakhatás: a nők speciális szükségleteire válaszoló lakhatási megoldások (Women and housing: housing solutions in response to the specific needs of women), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Büro Budapest.
Pósfai Zs (2020): Polarizáció a magyar lakáspiacon (Polarization on the Hungarian housing market), Periféria Working Papers 4.
Jelinek Cs, Pósfai Zs (2020): A lakhatási válságra adott közösségi válaszok (Community responses to the housing crisis), Fordulat 27 pp. 102-118
Bródy LS, Pósfai Zs (2020): Household debt on the peripheries of Europe: New constellations since 2008, Periféria Working Papers 3.
Bródy LS, Pósfai Zs (2020): A háztartások eladósodása Magyarországon (The indebtedness of households in Hungary), Periféria Working Papers 2.
Jelinek Cs, Pósfai Zs (2020): A bérlői lakásszövetkezeti modell Magyarországon (The rental housing cooperative model in Hungary), Periféria Working Papers1.
Gagyi Á, Jelinek Cs, Pósfai Zs, Vigvári A (2019): Lakhatási helyzet a válság után. Financializációs folyamatok, kettészakadó lakáspolitikák és a háztartások túlélési stratégiái (Housing situation after the crisis. Processes of financialization, polarized housing policies and the survival strategies of households), Fordulat 26 pp. 199-224.
Pósfai Zs, Jelinek Cs (2019): Reproducing socio-spatial unevenness through the institutional logic of dual housing policies in Hungary. Local and Regional Development in Times of Polarisation: Re-thinking spatial policies in Europe; eds: Th. Lang, F. Görmar, Palgrave, series: New Geographies of Europe.
Pósfai Zs (2018): Reproducing uneven development on the Hungarian housing market. PhD dissertation, University of Szeged.
Pósfai Zs, Gál Z, Nagy E (2018): “Financialization and inequalities: “The uneven development of the housing market on the Eastern periphery of Europe”, Inequality and sustainable development: Challenges for Capitalism; eds: S. Fadda, P. Tridico. Routledge, 167-190.
Pósfai Zs, Nagy G (2017): “Crisis and the reproduction of core-periphery relations on the Hungarian housing market”, European Journal of Spatial Research and Policy 24(2): 19-40.
Czirfusz M, Horváth V, Jelinek Cs, Pósfai Zs, Szabó L (2015): “Gentrification and spatialities of global capitalism in Budapest-Józsefváros”, Intersections. EEJSP 1(4): 55-77.