Dr. Leonardo Pataccini (Research Fellow)
Email: pataccil@tcd.ie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pataccini (@pataccini)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardo-pataccini-aa78357
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leonardo_Pataccini
Driven by his broad and diverse interests, Leonardo has made a truly interdisciplinary academic journey before joining the GEOFIN project. Graduated in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), he completed a master’s degree in Contemporary History at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and International Economic Policy (University of Belgrano, Argentina). Later, he completed his PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. The topic chosen for his thesis was the role of financial markets in the transition of former centrally planned economies. For this, he conducted a one-year research stay at the University of Latvia. After defending his thesis, he continued his career as a postdoctoral researcher at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu, Estonia.
In addition to his academic background, he also has experience as a practitioner, having performed as a consultant for international organizations (World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, UNDP) and analyst for private firms engaged in the financial sector.
GEOFIN research
Within the GEOFIN project Leonardo’s research is focused on the financialisation of banks in the Baltics.
GEOFIN-related publications, presentations and working papers
Pataccini, L. (2024). Central Bank Digital Currencies: risks, challenges and opportunities for climate justice. Presented at 35th International Geographical Congress, Session Dynamics of Economic Spaces:Financial innovations for Transformative climate and economic justice, Dublin, 27 August 2024 | PDF
Pataccini, L. and Sokol, M. (2023) Green monetary and financial policies: missing geographies? Paper for the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). Session: Geographies of Monetary Policy I: Crisis, Inequality and Financial Power. Denver, USA, and online, 23-27 March 2023. | PDF
Pataccini, L, Sokol, M and Mikuš (2022) Growth models, dependent financialization and financial infrastructures in CEE: the case of the baltic states. RSA Central and Eastern Europe conference in Leipzig 2022. Special Session: Infrastructures of finance and finance as infrastructure in eastern Europe. | PDF
Pataccini, L. (2022) From post-socialist transition to the COVID-19 crisis: cycles, drivers, and perspectives of subordinate financialization in Latvia. Journal of Baltic Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2022.2092881
Fernandez, R, Sokol, M and Pataccini L (2022) Monetary policy, varieties of capitalism and subordinate financialization: What Explains divergent economic geographies of (semi)-peripheries in East-Central Europe. Global Conference on Economic Geography in Dublin 7-10 June 2022 Special session: Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents | PDF
Pataccini, L (2022) Examining the Transmission mechanism of monetary policy in the euro area in the light of financialisation. Global Conference on Economic Geography in Dublin 7-10 June 2022 Special session: Financialisation: Disruptions, Displacements and Discontents | PDF
Sokol, M. and Pataccini, L. (2021) Financialisation, regional economic development and the coronavirus crisis: a time for spatial monetary policy?, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsab033 | PDF
Pataccini, L. (2021) Europeanisation as a driver of dependent financialisation in East-Central Europe: insights from the Baltic states. New Political Economy, DOI: 10.1080/13563467.2021.1994542
Fernandez, R., Sokol, M. and Pataccini, L. (2021) Subordinate financialization in the European (semi-)periphery: The European Central Bank and the uneven monetary integration of East-Central Europe. 33rd Annual SASE Meeting, Virtual Conference – After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism. Online, 2-5 July 2021. | PDF
Sokol, M., Fernandez, R. and Pataccini, L. (2021) Financialisation, post-pandemic central banking and regional and urban recovery: A turning point for monetary policy? Regional Studies Association Global E-Festival – Regions in Recovery: Building Sustainable Futures. Special session 34: FinGeo – Financial Geographies of Regional and Urban Recovery. Online, 2-18 June 2021. | PDF | video
Sokol, M. and Pataccini, L. (2020) Winners And Losers In Coronavirus Times: Financialisation, Financial Chains and Emerging Economic Geographies of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 111(3): 401-415. DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12433
Pataccini, L. (2020) Western Banks in the Baltic States: a preliminary study on transition, Europeanisation and financialisation. GEOFIN Working Paper No. 11. Dublin: GEOFIN research, Trinity College Dublin.
Other publications
Pataccini, L. and Malikov, N. (Forthcoming) Transition and regional cooperation in Central Asia: What can they tell us about the (Post-)liberal world order? Polity, Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association; the University of Chicago Press.
Pataccini, L., Kattel, R. and Raudla, R. (2019) Introduction: Europeanization and financial crisis in the Baltic Sea region: implications, perceptions, and conclusions ten years after the collapse. Journal of Baltic Studies, 50:4, 403-408.
Pataccini, L. And Eamets, R. (2019) Austerity versus pragmatism: a comparison of Latvian and Polish economic policies during the great recession and their consequences ten years later. Journal of Baltic Studies, 50:4, 467-494.
Pataccini, L. (2019) “La transición de los países de Europa Central y del Este” [The transition in Central and Eastern European Countries]. In: La Historia Económica Internacional Reciente (1980-2012) [Recent International Economic History 1980-2012] Nigra, F. and Casuccion, M. (eds.). Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora.
Pataccini, L. (2017) From “Communautaire Spirit” to the “Ghosts of Maastricht”: European integration project and the rise of financialization. International Journal of Political Economy, Volume 46, Issue 4, 267-293.
Eamets, R. & L. Pataccini (2017) Economic aspects of migration and the refugee crisis in Europe: challenges and opportunities in a dramatic scenario. Global Affairs, 3:1, 59-70.
Cristófaro, M., F. Graña & L. Pataccini (2015) “Instituciones para el desarrollo productivo: articulación público-privada para la generación de empleo de calidad” [Institutions for productive development: public-private articulation for the generation of quality employment] In Bertranou, Fabio; Carregal, Carolina; Casanova, Luis; Coatz, Diego y Sarabia, Marianela, (Eds.), Un enfoque productivo para el trabajo decente. Desarrollo industrial, entramado institucional y empleo de calidad en Argentina (pp. 127-154). Ginebra: OIT. ISBN 9789223304416.
Pataccini, L. & Kinzhebaeva, E. (2014) Structural reforms in emerging economies: Argentina and Russia through the Latvian Mirror. Humanities and Social Sciences: Latvia. 22 [1] [Spring-Summer 2014], 48-71.
Pataccini, L. (2014) Financialization in transition: A critical analysis from the perspective of international political economy. Proceedings of the conference New Challenges of economic and business development. University of Latvia, Faculty of economics and management, 8 -10 May 2014, Riga, Latvia.