Dr. Giulia Dal Maso (former Research Fellow)
Email: giulia.dalmaso@unive.it
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/giulia-dal-maso-39286516/
Academia.edu: https://westernsydney.academia.edu/GiuliaDalMaso
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Giulia_Dal_Maso2
Situated at the intersection of geography, political economy and cultural studies, Giulia’s research looks at genealogies and the contemporary dimensions of financialisation and at its political effects. She is interested in exploring how financial capital deploys in post-socialist contexts, and how it reshuffles the relationship between market and non-market spaces, states and societies, as well as capital and labour.
Before joining the GEOFIN research team Giulia worked in both China and Australia on a variety of cultural and academic projects. From 2008 to 2013 she worked at the IsIAO (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente) Shanghai office, managing documentary production as well as research projects on Chinese contemporary society. At the University of Western Sydney her Doctoral Project concerned Chinese financialisation and its ‘mass dimension.’ Her thesis concerned the shaping of a new Chinese state-finance nexus and its new redistributive function and how the opening of the Chinese stock market was accompanied by the rise of a new financialised subjectivity. During and after her PhD she worked as a lecturer in Sociology at the University of Western Sydney and she worked on the Project “Real Estate Investment, Brokerage Assemblages and Asian Mobilities” at the University of Sydney.
GEOFIN research
Within the GEOFIN project, Giulia’s research focus was on the financialization of banks.
GEOFIN-related publications, presentations and working papers
Dal Maso, G. (2022) Past and present financialization in Central Eastern Europe: the case of Western subsidiary banks. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 24:1, 60-77. DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2021.1992185
Dal Maso, G. and Sokol, M. (2019) Western European Banking Groups in East-Central Europe: A Preliminary Overview. Paper for the 6th FinGeo Global Seminar (Geography, Finance and Uneven Development). Special session: Finance and uneven development in Eastern Europe. University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 15-17 May 2019.
Dal Maso, G. and Sokol, M. (2018) Western Banks in post-socialist East-Central Europe: Towards new perspectives on financialisation. Paper for the Finance & Society Network “Futures of Finance and Society” Conference. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 6-7 December 2018.
Dal Maso, G. (2018) Western banks in Central and Eastern Europe as drivers of housing financialization. Paper for the “The financialization of housing in the semi-periphery” Workshop. Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary, 20-22 July 2018.
Dal Maso, G. (2018) Financialisation of Western banks in Central and Eastern Europe. Paper for the Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG), Specialist session on: Finance and financialisation in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 24-28 July 2018.
Other publications
Dal Maso, G. (2015) ‘The Financialisation Rush: Responding to Precarious Labour and Social Security by Investing in the Chinese Stock Market,’ South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 114, no. 1, pp. 47-64.